Holy Land Trip: Nov. 1-11, 2022

Holy Land Trip: Nov. 1-11, 2022

Hosted by Angela and Martin Otto Zimmann and Good Shepherd Travel

Cost: $3,600 includes double occupancy, meals, and airfare from Dulles International Airport.

Angela is the VP for Institutional Advancement at Wilson, and Martin is the Senior Director of Continuing Education at United Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg, both are pastors in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Having formerly served as Global Mission Partners in Jerusalem, they frequently co-lead community groups to share this experience.

For more information or to reserve your spot, contact Martin at mzimmann@uls.edu. Highlights include:

· Jerusalem
· Bethlehem
· The Galilee
· Nazareth
· Mt. of Olives
· Jaffa
· Ein Kerem
· Caesarea Maritime
· Qumran
· Jericho
· Dead Sea
· River Jordan

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