Spring/Summer 2024 / Alumni News

AAWC President’s Report – Spring/Summer 2024

My final report to you as president of the AAWC covers a year that I think fairly captures the slightly altered normality of the post-pandemic world. We are no longer restricted from gathering and enjoying one another’s
company, and we have augmented that with the realization that Zooming and streaming also have a place in the world, especially when those technologies enable people who are nowhere near campus to participate in events. We adapted and I think we are better because of it.

The AAWC took advantage of the support and enthusiasm for Wilson Weekend (once known as Parents Weekend
or Family Weekend) and moved our fall meeting to coincide with this fun event. The weather did not cooperate,
but it gave our board members an opportunity to experience campus at a very busy (if soggy) time, and we will do
it again. And although our winter retreat remained a virtual one, we will gather in Chambersburg for reunion.

In most of my messages, I tried to encourage alums to reconnect with Wilson, as well as support her. That remains the best advice I can give anyone who had the good fortune to spend their college years at Wilson. The experience you had as a student was transformative, but the experience you can have as an alum, can be just as rewarding and enriching. Be open to the possibilities of engaging with this vibrant community. It will be worth your time.

Wilson has always enjoyed an extremely strong bond with her alums, and we with her. The serious downside of the altered normality I mentioned above is in the terrible impact that period had on small colleges like Wilson. We are blessed with extraordinary and creative leadership at this crucial time, and we have reason for optimism, but the challenges are significant. We all have to continue to be as generous as possible in our support for our alma mater. She truly needs every one of us.

There were many “best parts” of my tenure as President of AAWC. I will lead off with the opportunity to work
with President Wes Fugate, who has both an inspiring vision for the College and a heartwarming affection
and appreciation for her alums. Vice President for Institutional Advancement Angela Zimmann is a wonderful partner in maintaining a strong connection between Wilson and her alums. Andrea McCauley, Katie Shank, and Marybeth Famulare, as directors of Alumni Relations, have also been great partners in organizing all the things we needed for the AAWC, and keeping things moving. While I called out these five by name, I have to say that all the people associated with Wilson, in whatever capacity, have been a joy to work with as I have encountered them over the years.

I met some remarkable alums on our AAWC Board, as well. They have worked hard and been great friends.

Finally, I deeply appreciate the privilege of serving as president of this organization. I wish all the very best for my successor, Trish Bennett, and her board, and to you.

Most important, thank you all and
stay BOLD!

Lynne E. DiStasio ’74, President, AAWC

RELATED: Ring it Forward 2024 Meet the New AR Director AAWC President’s Report: Winter 2024

Ring it Forward 2024

In 2013, the alumni association established the Ring It Forward program to help foster the bonds between the College, alumnae, alumni, and students. Since the tradition began, donated Wilson College rings have been matched to 76 current students and active alumni, including this
year’s recipients.

Each ring is unique in its shape, design, and engraving—which in many ways symbolizes the unique Wilson story and treasured spirit embodied and carried by each graduate. The alumni association is grateful to these legacies and their families who have decided to “ring it forward” and share their rings with a new generation of Wilson graduates.

Rita Chacon ’24
ring donated by DIANE GABORC ’76

Amanda Chesnut ’24 MFA
ring donated by JANE TROUTMAN ENSMINGER ’52

Abigail Gross ’24
ring donated by LUCILLE CLEELAND TOOKE ’40

Linette Hernandez ’24
ring donated by SALLY HEMSEN ’70

Reagan Bush ’24
ring donated by ELIZABETH BADER ’78

Shawnee Cordero ’24
ring donated by JOANNE BEIDLEMAN ’61

Miranda Griffiths ’24
ring donated by MARY MOONEY ’69

Gracen Kreider ’24
ring donated by PHYLLIS GANSZ-GREEN ’50

Myla Owens ’24
ring donated by LYNNE DISTASIO ’74

Erin Roszkowiak ’25
ring donated by THERESA TSAI ’73

Kenna Shearer ’24
ring donated by KAREN SHEARER ’97

RELATED: AAWC President’s Report – Spring/Summer 2024 Meet the New AR Director AAWC President’s Report: Winter 2024