Students travel the globe.

By Jenny Cisney

What did you do on your summer vacation? These Wilson students expanded their horizons with international travel and education.


The Roman art and archaeology class explored Rome and sent back photos of their adventures. You can read the students’ trip updates on this blog:



M.F.A. alumna Katie Pustizzi M ’21 danced in Sardegna, Italy, through the Robert M. and Brenda Ashton Aiken Scholarship. Pictured are a few glimpses of her week with Senza Confini Di Pelle exploring the connection between dance and landscape. 



Veterinary nursing student Paige Reynolds ’23 traveled to Costa Rica with Loop Abroad, which provides pre-vet & wildlife study abroad programs for undergrad students. “I learned so much and made so many new friends and connections,” Reynolds said. “This trip will forever hold such a special place in my heart.”



Mathematics major Nicholas Mattson ’23 traveled to the Netherlands to take introduction to business and international management classes. “My two-week adventure in the Netherlands was an amazing experience,” Mattson said.


Mariah Kieffer ’24, an English major with a concentration in teaching English as a foreign language, participated in Ewha Womans University’s summer college program in Seoul, South Korea. She completed three courses — traditional Korean music, Korean language, and gender relations in Korea.


Some of our student-athletes had a summer soccer adventure in Spain, where they toured cultural sites, attended training sessions, and played two friendly matches against Spanish teams. They had raised funds throughout the year to pay for the experience abroad.


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