Ring It Forward Presentation

Ring It Forward Presentation

The program matches donated rings with current students and other alums on occasion. These legacy donations “ring it forward” to a new generation of Wilson graduates, support the College’s traditions, and foster emotional ties between Wilson alumnae, alumni, and students.

Spring 2022

The Alumnae Association of Wilson College is grateful for these donor alumnae’s generosity. The rings’ new owners will add their Wilson stories to those of other graduates as they participate in this tradition.

Stori Boggs ’22 — Ring donated by Sarah Awan Johnson ’77 in honor of former dance professor and Orchesis advisor, Trina Collins. Due to engraving, we suspect the ring may have originally belonged to Sue Anne Tompkins ’59.

Olivia McDonald ’22 — Doris Oswell Brunot ’58

Johnson Ogunbisi ’22 — Rhona Applebaum ’76

Megan Potter ’20, M ’22 — Nancy Ingalls Crossfield ’62

Kelly Shank ’22 — Ring of Cecily Heroy ’72, given by her sister, Christine Heroy Muddell ’63

Marybeth Famulare, Director of Alumni Relations and Hon. ’17 — donated by Sarah Awan Johnson ’77 in honor of Professor Emerita Emlyn Edwards and retired librarian Ruth Edwards.

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