Cool Occasions

Cool Occasions

As the temperatures drop, the College heats up with a variety of events that keep students, faculty, staff, and alumni on the move. Some are time-honored traditions, while some brought new faces to campus. 

Wilson College students, faculty, and staff marched into the holiday season during the Chambersburg Christmas Parade. 

Faculty and staff served students at one of the best loved Wilson traditions, Thanksgiving dinner. 



President Wes reads students ‘Twas the Night Before Finals.

Seniors pose for a photo during the White Dinner. 

The Wilson community and guests gathered for the one hundred third Christmas Vespers, a moving and celebratory event to mark the holiday season. 


Women’s soccer is all smiles as they volunteer at IceFest. Student athletes from baseball, field hockey, and mens’s soccer teams also lent a hand. 

Visitors posed for photos with the Phoenix wings ice sculpture at IceFest in downtown Chambersburg. 


Wilson College recognized Martin Luther King Jr. Day by hosting Centering Love, Healing, & Liberation in our Social Justice Work, a Talk by Durryle Brooks, Ph.D. Many thanks to the Black Student Union and the Office of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for leading this event.  

RELATED: International Students at Wilson College Wilson Weekend: A Student’s Perspective Beyond Her Expectations