Beyond Her Expectations

Beyond Her Expectations

Beyond Her Expectations

By Sandra Huffman ’86


Muskan LNU presented information about Pakistan during the Muhibbah Sampler Night in November.

Muskan and her friend from Pakistan (also studying in the U.S.) attended Wilson Weekend and made a scarecrow during the barn events.

The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program in Pakistan (Global UGRADPakistan) provides emerging youth leaders from diverse communities across Pakistan with the opportunity to attend American universities and colleges for non-degree academic study. Out of 36,000 applicants, Muskan LNU was one of 110 students selected for this program and Wilson became her home away from home this fall. She said, “When I first stepped onto American soil, it hit me—I had made it.”

As a linguistics major at her home college, she opted to take literature courses at Wilson because it was an opportunity for her to learn about America through American literature. As part of the UGRAD-Pakistan program, Muskan needed to complete community service which led her to writing for this issue of the Wilson magazine.

Muskan ultimately plans to pursue a master’s degree in linguistics. Since returning to Pakistan, Muskan is using social media to share her knowledge about the UGRAD program, answer questions, and provide advice for other students interested in applying to a UGRAD program.


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