AAWC News – Fall 2019

AAWC News – Fall 2019

Volunteers Needed for the Aunt Sarah/Uncle Wilson Program

Wilson alumni have the unique opportunity to adopt a new “relative” by participating in the Aunt Sarah/Uncle Wilson Program, named in honor of our namesake, Sarah Wilson. Alumni volunteer as “aunts” or “uncles” and students sign up to be “nieces” or “nephews.” Alumni will contact their student through a letter, email or an occasional package to brighten the student’s day and provide encouragement. The program builds bonds between former and current students. Some of the pairings last a semester, some last through commencement and others, a lifetime. There were 110 pairings last year.

Traditionally, the identity of “Aunt Sarahs” was a secret with only hints and clues provided to help students discover the name of their benefactor. But over the years and with new technology changing how we communicate, many decide to email, text, FaceTime, Skype or even meet face to face for ongoing interaction. A secret connection is still possible with letters or packages distributed through Alumni House staff. For many, the real tradition is that someone provided this connection to you as a student and now, as an alum, you keep the program alive. We have added “Uncle Wilson” to be inclusive of our Wilson community.

If you would like to be an aunt/uncle or need additional information, visit www.wilson.edu/aunt-sarah-program and fill out the online form, or contact the Office of Alumni Relations at ARoffice@wilson.edu or 717-262-2010. Please share this need with your classmates.


AAWC Tours & Travel

View the 2020 trip offerings at

Did you know?

Whenever you purchase a tour directly from the following partners, be sure to mention you are a Wilson graduate. Your mention will prompt the companies to make a donation to the Alumnae Association. This offer includes any trip, regardless of whether it is sponsored by Wilson, from hundreds of educational tours they offer around the world.

Partner Companies:

AHI Travel: www.ahitravel.com 800-323-7373

Discover Europe: www.discovereuropeltd.com 866-563-7077

GOHAGAN: www.gohagantravel.com 800-922-3088

GO NEXT: www.gonext.com 800-842-9023

Orbridge: www.orbridge.com 800-639-0079

The Barge Lady: www.bargelady.com 800-880-0071


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