by Sandra Huffman ’86

The importance of leadership skills in today’s competitive landscape cannot be overstated. In 2015, Wilson College recognized a gap in the training of students for these essential skills, prompting the establishment of the Phoenix Leaders Program. This initiative, spearheaded by Linda Boeckman, director of Career Development, encourages students to explore their potential and develop the confidence to be leaders on campus and in their communities and career paths.

The Phoenix Leaders Program operates bi-weekly during the spring semester, offering seven to eight sessions that cover various leadership topics. Sessions can focus on goal setting, values and ethics assessments, the power of positive thinking, empowering others, communication and collaboration, and diversity. Each year the curriculum evolves to meet the changing needs of students and sometimes includes guest presenters from across campus. Past speakers include Katie Kough, dean of students; Lisa Coté, director of Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion; and Michael Bloomford, director of the Academic Success Center.

Open to all students, the program particularly targets first and second-year students. Students are often nominated by faculty and staff to participate in the program, while others take the initiative and self-nominate. The nomination process not only encourages participation but also strengthens the bond between students and their nominators, enhancing their commitment to the program.

Leadership experience is not a pre-requisite for the program. In fact, Boeckman said, “This program gives a lot of what we call reluctant leaders the confidence to take that next step.” What matters is that a student has the desire to participate or that someone sees potential in a student and puts their name forward. As Vincent “Vinny” Natale ’26 explained, “Phoenix Leaders helped me get out of my shell and had a huge impact on me running for certain positions like class president and resident assistant.”


The success of the Phoenix Leaders Program is evident in its growing participation rates, with the most recent cohort being the largest to date. Students take pride in their involvement, often highlighting their status as Phoenix Leaders in their email signatures. The program has proven to be a steppingstone for students aspiring to become influential leaders on campus and in their communities. “The program gives you great connections and resources around campus to be more active in our Wilson community,” said Erin Roszkowiak ’25. Many participants have assumed leadership roles across campus, including positions as resident assistants, peer teachers, athletic team captains, and members of student government.

Several participants have become members of Wilson’s chartered circle of Omicron Delta Kappa (OΔK), the National Leadership Honor Society.

Students must complete five sessions to graduate from the program and receive a certificate at the end of the semester. During an end-of-year ceremony, they are invited to talk about why they think it’s important to become a leader.

Emma Delicato ’27, who completed the program in spring 2024, highly recommends it. She said, “The program was absolutely wonderful. I got to meet such incredible people, and I feel like I truly grew as a person by going to the meetings. Anybody that is offered the opportunity should take it. It can be intimidating, especially not knowing what you’re walking into, but the Phoenix Leaders Program is something that I would do over and over again.”

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