Spring 2023 AAWC News

Spring 2023 AAWC News

Wilson Trip to the Holy Land
Twelve members of the Wilson community enjoyed a guided tour of the Holy Land last November.

Traveling to the Holy Land with Angela and Martin Zimmann was a dream come true. The highlight of my trip was standing with my feet in the Sea of Galilee. I just started singing ‘Standing on Holy Ground.’ My daughter Ashley Beach-Reid began videotaping me and harmonizing with me. That moment was special. To be in places known to me through the Bible was heart-warming: placing my palm on the West Wall, walking the Via Dolorosa, and being at Mt. Carmel (place of fire and the site of Elijah’s ‘showdown’ with the priests of Baal) are among my key memories. I would love to go again. — Faye Wilson ’77


Join us at Commencement May 14 – Be a Part of the Blue & Silver Line Tradition
Help congratulate the Class of 2023, enjoy the speakers, and reminisce about your own commencement ceremony.

Amanda Clever ’14, Rose Gish Gerke ’59, Joan McCulloh ’52, and Betty Keefer MacLaughlin ’67.

The Blue and Silver Line is composed of representatives from classes who will process with students, faculty, administration, Trustees, and honored guests in and out of the Undergraduate Commencement ceremony. Our goal is to have multiple classes in every decade represented. The 50th class representative serves as the marshal of their alum group. If someone has already registered to represent your class, we invite you to help represent a sister class or another year. Contact Alumni Relations at ARoffice@wilson.edu or 717-262-2010.

Honor the Past … Embrace the Future

Everyone is Welcome to Participate

Celebrating Classes Ending in 3 & 8

50th Class – 1973!

Schedule and registration materials at wilson.edu/reunion

Virtual Art Show – Honor the Past … Embrace the Future
We are looking for your art to include in this show. Only images will be accepted, no videos or physical pieces.
Deadline for submission – April 1, 2023
Send the artist’s name, class year, artwork title, medium, and date of completion to ARoffice@wilson.edu. A slideshow of submissions will be available throughout Reunion Weekend.

Alum Showcase – Free table to display and promote your business
Sign up to showcase flyers or materials to encourage alums to support your work, passion, or talents.

Leadership Session
Are you a former WCGA officer, current or former class officer, or former AAWC Board member? Let’s talk about how we work together for outreach and planning. Join us Friday afternoon for a special session with a conversation about Wilson’s future.

AAWC Raffle to support alum/student activities
Donations accepted include gift cards, themed baskets or items tied to your business or hobby, or Wilson memorabilia in good condition.
Contact ARoffice@wilson.edu.

Golf Cart Karaoke
Have some fun with late-night rides and tunes!

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