Scarlet’s Letter

Scarlet’s Letter

By Wilson’s Favorite Feline

Why hello there!
I do hope all is well with you and yours.

Recently, Wilson College has been pawsitively abundant in life and activity, but I will get to that shortly. Just last week, on one particularly crisp autumn morning, I was partaking in one of my most cherished activities of sharing a cup of tea with my dear friend Agatha the groundhog. Agatha was inquiring about my
background when it struck me, perhaps some of you would be curious to hear about my long journey to becoming a Wilson resident. So do take a seat and allow me to share with you the secret history of Miss Scarlet.

As many of you already know, I am a native of the lovely southern state of Georgia. What you may not be aware of is how I came to be known as Miss Scarlet. It’s a common misconception that I am named after a certain Miss Scarlett O’Hara, a fellow fine Georgian woman. However, would you believe that I am actually named after Miss Scarlet from my dad’s favorite board game, Clue?

Speaking of which, while much of my time as a kitten remains a blur even to me, I do distinctly remember when I first laid eyes on my dad. It was the evening of April 5, 2008. It was a quiet Saturday evening. He was new to Georgia when our paths crossed. I immediately knew he was the one for me, and he was who I chose to adopt. Growing up as a young cat in Georgia was a delightful experience. Did you know that before acquiring the title as the Queen of Sharpe House, I was simply called Miss Scarlet, the Pretty Kitty Princess? Oh, those were the days of my youth.

After four years in Georgia, our family decided to move north to the equally charming commonwealth of Virginia. Were you aware that before I was a Wilson College feline, I was the resident of a lovely place called Randolph College? I’m told Wilson and Randolph share some similarities, including once being solely dedicated to, and still being quite focused on, educating fine young ladies such as myself. To that I say bravo!

Now, I’ll let you in on a little secret. My loathing of canines is quite well known, but would you believe I once shared my life with a dog that I was pawsitively smitten with? His name was Samson, and my affection for him knew no bounds. Sadly, Samson had to cross the rainbow bridge, and I vowed never to love another pup again. Let’s move on.

Life would eventually bring our family north of the Mason- Dixon to settle here in Chambersburg and on the idyllic Wilson campus. Certainly, the past few years have had their ups and downs, but I wouldn’t trade my Wilson experience for the world. And now more than ever, Wilson has cause to celebrate. Why, I’m told that our population has grown to the highest amount in my time here! Now, I don’t intend to be immodest, but I must be the cause of this growth. Agatha seems to have her doubts. Whatever the case, I’m overjoyed to make more friends and to see my Wilson family grow. I do hope you’ll join me in celebrating Wilson’s success, and all the good work that its students, faculty, and staff are doing. On that happy note, I’ll say farewell. Until next time.

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