Meet Wilson: Alexandra Toms

Meet Wilson: Alexandra Toms

Wilson in Her Blood

“I didn’t realize the quality of education I received here until I went to my master’s program. As a professor, I want my students to get that same quality of education that sets them up to be successful in future careers or graduate programs.”

Alexandra Toms
Instructor of Psychology

M.Div., Bethany Theological Seminary
M.S. in Psychological Science, Shippensburg University
B.S. in Psychology, Wilson College

She asked her students what they love about Wilson. One said, “Nobody wants to see you fail.” In Toms’ opinion, “This is true in the way we care for our students but also for each other as faculty and staff. People genuinely care about each other.”

Music plays a big part in her life. She met her husband when both sang in their church’s praise band as teenagers. Today they lead the band. And they have a 17-month-old son, Jude, named after the Beatles song, “Hey Jude.”
Her faith has always been important to her. She is in the process of becoming a minister and hopes to be ordained this year.
On Monday nights, however, Toms drops her other obligations to play in a pool league.

Toms is a social psychologist focusing on racial justice, gender, and feminist psychology. Currently researching the interaction of anti-racist beliefs and (in)action.

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